acupuncture, physical therapy, massage, functional nutrition & dietetics, family nurse practitioner,
holistic esthetics, wellness coaching, yoga, pilates & more in the heart of midtown Memphis
care as unique as you
Sundara Wellness is a collective of healthcare specialists who share a vision to offer complete and accessible care for all. We focus on integrating every aspect of your wellness through a holistic, personalized, and preventative approach.
self-care isn't selfish
Caring for others starts with a healthy self. Our team provides specialized services that encourage supportive self-care and preventative wellness. Sundara has a wide range of holistic wellness services including acupuncture, physical therapy, massage therapy, nutrition & dietetics, family nurse practitioner, yoga, mental health counseling and more.
who we are
The diverse, experienced team of
health experts at Sundara represent some of the best in their fields. With years of education and experience treating the body as a whole, our practitioners are here to work together to provide you with the best care possible.